Friday, December 17, 2010

My first Blog

Hey everyone, so this is my first blog and I thought I might start off with one of my newest make up looks and then start back dating.

This look came from my wonderful boyfriend. I couldn't decide on a make up look for work that night (I’m a waitress at a fine dining restaurant) and so I asked him to choose a colour for my eye shadow. And the rest is history.

With most of my one tone make up looks the shadow consists of 4 colours. White, the base colour, a darker shade of the base colour and black.

The process that i follow for all of my make up looks is as follows.
1- Make up primer; this will help your make up last longer. i use a primer from gorgeous cosmetics.

2- Start foundation, Now here is one of my secrets for keeping your look clean. Only do foundation starting from the top, down to just cover your eyelids. This will make cleaning up fall out a breeze and you won’t have to touch up your foundation. I use MAC NW20 and a translucent powder. The best way I find to apply foundation is with a foundation brush, then press and blend with a sponge and finish with a powder for a shine free coverage.

3- The eyes, Now depending on what type of look you're doing this stage will change. I'll take you through what I did for the above look. After applying foundation and powder, apply a white to the inner corner and blend up and out.

Then take your base colour and apply to the whole lid. Next go in with your darker base colour and apply this to the outer corner and blend into the crease of the eye. Finally take a little bit of black and apply this to the outer corner and slightly blend into the crease. This will give a more dramatic effect, however you can leave it out if you wish.

Now the difference between a good make up look and a GREAT make up look is blending so make sure you can’t see any lines between the different colours. Everything should be blended and smooth. Once you've finished that go in with a black liner (I use a wet liner brush with black shadow) start with a thin line and gradually get thicker as you move out.

Now you don't have to do the next step, it’s entirely up to you but I think it completes the look, using a black eye pencil draw a line on your water line ( the line between you bottom lashes and eye)

Finally apply mascara. I like to apply mascara and then go back in with a disposable mascara wand to separate the lashes and prevent clumps. I use MAC black mascara.

And to finish off remove all fall out with a makeup wipe.

4- Now you can finish off your foundation. Remember to powder well.

5- Apply Blush, every person has a different skin tone, therefore you will all need a different blush colour. What I did with the above look was to apply a bronzer just under my cheekbone then i went back in with a light blush colours on my cheekbone and blended them together. I also applied a highlighter just above the blush on the top outer corner of my cheekbones.

6-The LIPS, in this look i went a little wild with the lips. Being a MUA you don't get the play around with lips much because everyone usually wants something natural. Soooo for this look i went in with a silver metallic lip colour and then finished it off with a metallic blue stripe.

7-The final touches, To finish off my look I used a glitter eye liner to apply a crosshatch to the outer corner of my eye. This is something new I'm experimenting with so you will probably see it in a lot of my looks.

So that's how I achieved the look. Hope you enjoyed my first of many blogs. I will do some blogs on different make up techniques and what products I prefer. Also if you have any ideas for blogs our any questions about make up. Send me an email and I’ll write a blog response.


p.s My dad is a photographer and he did all the photos for me :D Thanks daddy!/profile.php?id=1296105292